(August 2019)

A Study on Coordinative Ability and Kinesthetics Perception In Relation To Psychological and Behavioural Problems among Kodagu Students
Marina Franchi
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
Objective: The main purpose of the study was to compare on kinesthetic perception and coordinating ability in relation to emotional and behavioural problems among kodagu students. Study Area: The subject was selected from rural areas of Purulia district under the state of West Bengal. Subjects: Total 60 (sixty) male kodagu students (20 under 12yrs, 20 under 14yrs and 20 under 16yrs) were selected randomly for the purpose of the present study. The age of the subjects were ranged between 12-16 years. Variables: Coordinative ability, kinesthetic perception, emotional and behavioural problems were considered as the variables for the present study and measured by ‘Eye hand coordination test’ (Ball transfer), ‘Distance perception jump’ test and Adult Self Report (ASR) checklist. Statistics: Mean, SD and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were employed as statistical measures for formulation of result. Findings: The result of the present study showes that there are significant differences found in respect of coordinative ability and kinesthetic perception among kodagu students. And also no significant negative relationship is found between coordinative ability and kinesthetic perception with emotional and behavioural problems. Implementation: If emotional and behavioural problems increasing contributing factors are minimized then psycho motor ability may be developed and healthful kodagu culture may be created. Conclusion: Significant increments are observed on coordinative ability and kinesthetic perception in respect of chronological growth of students. The increasing growth of the emotional and behavioural problems of kodagu students negatively correlates (not significantly) the psycho motor ability to develop.
Author Keywords:- kodagu students, kinesthetic perception, coordinative ability, emotional and behavioural problems

Attitude of Heads of Schools and Regular Teachers towards Inclusive Education Programme for Children with Hearing Impairment at Secondary Level in Coastal Area of Rajasthan
Pulkit Malhotra || Deshraj Gupta
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The purpose of this study was to understand the attitude of heads of schools and regular teachers towards inclusive education programme for children with hearing impairment at secondary level. The sample was included of 50 heads of schools and 100 regular teachers consisting male and female from rural and urban areas. The study was a survey method and the sample were selected purposively. The participants were assessed by 1) Attitude scale on Inclusive Education programme for Heads of Schools and 2) Attitude scale on Inclusive Education programme for Regular teachers. Percentage analysis and Independent t-test were applied for analyzing the data. The average of percentage of favorable and unfavorable Attitude showed that in all dimensions (sex, locality and experience) favorable attitude is more than that of unfavorable attitude. The Heads of schools and Regular teachers in the Secondary schools have different levels of Attitude (i.e., favorable and unfavorable) towards Inclusive Education Programme for Children with Hearing Impairment.

Author Keywords:- heads of schools, regular teachers, inclusive education, children with hearing impairment, secondary level

Queering Translation : Transcultural Communication and the Site of the You
Webegger R
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Translators are often construed as mere intermediaries in transcultural com- munication, doing little more than transferring packages of meanings that have been unambiguously defined by other parties that really matter. However, translation is hardly innocent, and translation is hardly powerless. Translators produce texts and thereby identities/realities, and this text/identity/reality pro- duction cannot happen without interference/intervention from all participants in communication (which includes those parties that are usually theorised as passive, such as translators or recipients). Submission to hegemonic dis- courses is not a neutral non-decision, but a political act. Therefore, translators take part in the construction of identities. Transcultural communication is an ideal site to expose the cultural constructedness of identities/realities, thereby deconstructing these identities/realities and enabling allegedly passive recipi- ents to see through and behind social constructs.

Author Keywords:- translation, transcultural communication, queer theory, identity construction.

Interrupting Research: Ethnography of A Research Encounter with the Bororo People in Central Brazil
Jack Curak
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
This essay dialogues with feminist debates around ethics, epistemology and methodology. It analyzes the ‘failure’ of my research encounter with the Bororo people in Central Brazil. The essay uses the Brechtian theatri- cal concept of ‘interruption’ to scrutinize the empathic assumptions which inform feminist methodologies. It also demonstrates how ethical research opens a fruitful space for dialogue between researcher and researched. The relationship between researcher and researched is discussed in relation to the implicit hierarchies inherent in the global/local dichotomy. Using the insights of feminist epistemology, the essay ascertains the significance of feminist scholarship to the advancement of a more dialogical epistemology.
Author Keywords:- feminist methodology, hierarchies of global and local, researcher and researched positionalities.

The Profit Sharing Organization: An Effective Work Force Driven Organization
Ramadevi || L. Vijay
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
In the modern era, organizations face numerous problems in their day to day work life. HR managers and experts put in immense efforts to solve organizational issues, but the problems prevail in organizations. The major challengeable problems are employee turnover and employee grievances. Furthermore, the important need of any organization is employing and training a motivated employee for increasing work productivity. A Profit Sharing Organization is a novel organization that exists for an ideal and common goal, wherein, the employer and the employees work as family members, share the profits equally and enjoy more benefits. Thus, Profit Sharing Organizations exhibit less number of employee grievances, low employee turnover rate, high level of employee motivation and performance, proper employee maintenance and good relationship among employees, which shows the path for organizational growth.
Author Keywords:-heads of schools, regular teachers, inclusive education, children with hearing impairment, secondary leve.

Challenges for the Management in Creating a Better Work Environment: A Critical Evaluation of the Indian Jute Industry in the Post Liberalization Era
Suseela Rani
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
An incredible work environment is a place that promises to advance gifted employees and makes good on that promise. A healthy work environment provides people with opportunities to meet professional and personal goals. It is much more pleasurable, and less stressful to go to a work environment that is filled with positivity and enjoyment. A positive work environment is not only important for our physical, mental and emotional health, but is also important for the results that we produce for the organization that employs us. The better we feel at work, the more likely we will take pride in our job activities and be loyal to our organization. So, no organization is perfect without creating and maintaining a work environment of fairness, respect, and justice.
Author Keywords:-translation, transcultural communication, queer theory, identity construction.